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Chama cha upinzani Afrika Kusini Inkatha Freedom Party kimetangaza ushirikiano na chama tawala ANC

Chama cha upinzani nchini Afrika Kusini Inkatha Freedom Party Jumatano kimetangaza kuwa kitashirikiana na chama tawala cha African National Congress (ANC) huku ANC kikijaribu kuunda serikali ya muungano itakayoweza kuongoza…

Continue ReadingChama cha upinzani Afrika Kusini Inkatha Freedom Party kimetangaza ushirikiano na chama tawala ANC
Read more about the article South Africans cast their votes in a pivotal election to determine the future of the ANC.
Thabo Mbeki (centre) was South Africa's leader from 1999 to 2008

South Africans cast their votes in a pivotal election to determine the future of the ANC.

South Africa's election by the figures: Total registered voters: 27.7 million Female registered voters: 15.3 million (55.25%) Male registered voters: 12.4 million (44.75%) Political parties: 70 Independent candidates: 11 Polling…

Continue ReadingSouth Africans cast their votes in a pivotal election to determine the future of the ANC.
Read more about the article Yoweri Museveni, the aging president of Uganda, is supported by the memory of his former valor.
FILE PHOTO: Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni speaks during a Reuters interview at his farm in Kisozi settlement of Gomba district, in the Central Region of Uganda, January 16, 2022. Picture taken January 16, 2022.

Yoweri Museveni, the aging president of Uganda, is supported by the memory of his former valor.

By 2023, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, who will be the fourth-longest-serving head of state in Africa, will have solidified his legacy. He put a stop to two autocracies: in 1979,…

Continue ReadingYoweri Museveni, the aging president of Uganda, is supported by the memory of his former valor.
Read more about the article Libya’s morgues are overflowing as the death toll surpasses 6,000.
Hundreds feared dead, thousands missing after devastating floods hit Libya

Libya’s morgues are overflowing as the death toll surpasses 6,000.

As bodies pile up in the streets of Derna, the northern coastal city devastated by flooding when a torrential downpour broke through two dams, washing homes into the sea, Libya…

Continue ReadingLibya’s morgues are overflowing as the death toll surpasses 6,000.